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How to run labview program in debugging mode in windows 95 version

Respected all,


I am facing probelm while running


I received this command "connection to acquisition board was not found" when i run labview program.


I  am using labview 5.1, fieldpoint FP 1000, NI-DAQ 6.5, Field point explorer version 1.6, Measurement and Automation Explorer 1.0.1.



I would kindly request you please help me how to run my program in debugging mode in windows 95 version, so that i can locate where error occurs.


Thanking You
Yours faithfully
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

LV 5.1 is really old.... but still, debugging works quite the same for current LV versions.

So you might want to learn the basics of LV to debug successfully.


hope this helps,


CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

Respected Norbert,


I would be really appreciated for your important help.


I am new learner of labview.


I need to run debugging mode only to elimante the command"connection to acquisition board was not found" when i run labview program.


Will you please help to provide further information to solve my probelm.


I am using only Fieildpoint instrument FP 1000 and labview program but data acquisition board makes probelm, so i plan to remove DAQ driver program and run my program in debugging mode.


I am eagerly accepting your help to solve my probelm.


Thanking You


Yours faithfuuly


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

You have to identify, where the error occurs as a first step.

If you know this, you can start looking into the parameters you use for this function and check if they are correct.


Since nobody except you knows your setup, only you can verify this.

Possible reasons are e.g. wrong IDs for measurement devices. If the error is connect to the FieldPoint, it is possible that it isn't configured correctly.


It sound like you are using DAQ devices (like PCI MIO 6952E) in the application. Are you sure that you select the correct device ID for this?



CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

Respected Norbert,


Thank you very much to for your help.



Norbert : Possible reasons are e.g. wrong IDs for measurement devices. If the error is connect to the FieldPoint, it is possible that it isn't configured correctly.


 I am using Field point explorer 1.6, The Field point instrument FP 1000 and RS-232 port is using. It is confirmed that the field point instrument is working properly by LED light indication test.


Norbert: It sound like you are using DAQ devices (like PCI MIO 6952E) in the application. Are you sure that you select the correct device ID for this?


I am asking you to know, If i using Labview and  Fieldpoint instrument FP 1000 to monitor my parameter interms of All, Channel 0, Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 3, Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6, Channel 7 for my measurement.


But now i need to solve the command connection to acquisition board was not found, The expert say this command is due to there was no AT-AO-10 Analog Output board was present in CPU.


I do not find AT-AO-10 Analog Output board in my CPU, Previously the instrument was worked perfectly by other person who assembled everthing to measure temperature.


The only aswer know send by previous person is if my task does not imply the use of a DAQ you probably have to locate where the DAQ driver is called and exclude it from the program. try to run the program in debugging mode so that you can locate where the error occurs.


I do not know how to proceed his instruction. So i would kindly request you to please help me to solve my probelm.


I also removed AT-AO-10 software from device manager >> Data Acquisition system >>  AT-AO-10 just now.


I also find GPIB version 1.30, when i remove in add or remove program, it say that Error removing the GPIB.


I am eagerly waiting for your help.



Thanking You


Yours faithfully




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

Removing the GPIB software is useless and removing the driver for a data acquisition board is also useless. If the program is expecting to use a data acquisition device besides the Fieldpoint, then you have to edit the program to remove all references to that data acquisition device or add the correct data acquisition device to the pc. Please check to see whether this 'expert' of yours is correct about a different data acquisition device than your fieldpoint. As already mentioned, you could be having issues with communication to the fieldpoint device and this whole discussion about AT-AO-10 is just a lot of nonsense.


I would ask you to post your code but your version of LabVIEW is unreadable. Get it converted to something more recent and someone can look at it.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

Respected Sir,


I cannot able to find program related data acquisition 


In the add or remove program, I am here indicating the national instrument softawre that i noticed


FieldPoint 1.6

GPIB software 1.30

National Instrument VISA

NI datasocket

NI LabVIEW 5.1 Advanced Analysis Library

NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 5.1

NI LabVIEW 5.1


NI Measurement and automation& Automation Explorer 1.0.1


NI-DAQ 6.5


ni-pal 1.21fo



Dennis Knutson : Please check to see whether this 'expert' of yours is correct about a different data acquisition device than your fieldpoint.


will you plesae explain further.


I am here with attaching my labview program 5.1 which i run in labview 8.2 and saved.


I also attahced FieldPoint .iak file which decribing all channel when you open in MAX.


I am kindly request you to please help to solve my probelm.


Thanking You


Yours faithfully






Thank you very much to understood relation between GPIB driver and a data acquisition board.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

Respected Sir,


I cannot able to find program related data acquisition 


In the add or remove program, I am here indicating the national instrument softawre that i noticed


FieldPoint 1.6

GPIB software 1.30

National Instrument VISA

NI datasocket

NI LabVIEW 5.1 Advanced Analysis Library

NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 5.1

NI LabVIEW 5.1


NI Measurement and automation& Automation Explorer 1.0.1


NI-DAQ 6.5


ni-pal 1.21fo



Dennis Knutson : Please check to see whether this 'expert' of yours is correct about a different data acquisition device than your fieldpoint.


will you plesae explain further.


I am here with attaching my labview program 5.1 which i run in labview 8.2 and saved.


I also attahced FieldPoint .iak file which decribing all channel when you open in MAX.


If you run my labview program and Fieldpoint .iak file and check to solve my probelm.


I am kindly request you to please help.


Thanking You


Yours faithfully






Thank you very much to understood relation between GPIB driver and a data acquisition board.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

You did not attach anything. Do not do a preview after adding an attachment.


Edit  - you second post has an attachment but the VI is missing all of the subVIs.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

Respected Sir,


I am here with sending my main labview program (labview 5.1 saved in 8.2) , FieldPoint .iak file and 5.1 user lib files.


I hope if you run in 8.2, it run successfully, i recived the run button aroow is not broken.


Thanking You


Yours faithfully


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Message 10 of 12