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How to save table row and column headers

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I have a table where I have enabled row and column headers.  Once the table is loaded with data, I would like to save the contents of the table, including the row and column headers, in a text file.  The "value" property node only returns the contents of the table, not the row and column headers.  I could use the "Row Header Strings[]" and "Column Header Strings[]" property nodes as well, but I'm hopping there's an easier way.  Seems like adding the row headers would be tricky.  Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.

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Accepted by topic author VI_Joe

Here's one way. The build array with the empty constant is to provide for the left corner of the table where there is no data.




Message Edited by Dennis Knutson on 03-29-2010 07:30 PM
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