08-26-2024 11:51 PM
Hi all, I'm new in Labview and am working on a project to source a pulsing current to an LED and measure the PD current when the LED is on. Setup with 2x PXie-4139. Need help on how to synchronise between the two SMUs. Thanks.
SMU1 - Souce pulsing current
SMU2 - Source reverse bias voltage to PD and measure the current when LED is on.
08-27-2024 09:23 AM
Could you please share a signal diagram depicting the relationship between signals and timing?
I am trying to see if you need a reasonable or tight synchronization.
In the meantime, please do check out the Pulse Current example,
08-28-2024 01:15 AM
SMU1 - pulsing current source of 40mA with PW:50us, Period:25ms.
SMU source V and measure the PD current when LED is on.