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How to take output from the flat sequence structure during generation of pulses


I am generating switching pulses for the my IGBT switch using half-bridge digital output of sb-RIO board with 9683-mazennine card.

Please see the attached image. In this image, I am using local variables for Ton duty  and Toff duty within a sequence structure using half-bridge DO0 for the IGBT switch. Besides these pulses out to my IGBT throught DO0, I want to use these pulses as input to OR gate (first input of OR gate as shown in image) within my VI project also. 


Could anyone please tell me how to do this?

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Message 1 of 2

Hi aditya,


you may wire these TRUE/FALSE values out of your sequence frames - you will get these values as soon as the corresponding frame has been executed.

Beside this "ill" suggestion: don't use sequences. Build a state machine or atleast use a plain loop!

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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