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How to trigger a ccd


I have a CV-M10RS camera and a IMAQ PCI1409 board.

I simply want to trigger my camera, in order to set exposure times long or short as I want.
I'd like to generate a square pulse in my VI, then transmit it via-trigger in order to drive my

I can't find any useful reference in the National Instruments web-site, but I'm sure there
are. Where can I find some examples?Smiley Tongue
Thank you.
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Dear Montmorency,

If you're using LabVIEW you can find example in Help>>Find Example>>Hardware Input and Output>>IMAQ.

You should find quite easily triggering example with 1409 frame grabbers.

Have a good day.


It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.
Richard P. Feynman
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