08-02-2013 09:14 AM
I operate a user facility for several testing instruments. I am looking for a Lavbiew VI that will allow user to reserve time on the instruments. I did a search and found the ActiveX Microsfot Calender Control. This will display a calender and allow you to choose the month, year and date. I would like to place a control on the front panel that will allow the user to select the date, be prompted to tpye in the time to reserve ( e.g., 1:00pm to 4:00pm) and have it display on date on the calendar front panel. Is this possible? Thanks.
08-04-2013 12:26 AM
Isn't that what the builtin timestamp control does? You click on the browse button and it lets you set the date and time all in one go.
08-05-2013 08:58 AM
In addition to date and time I also want to be able to input the users name.
08-05-2013 10:25 AM
@ds110 wrote:
In addition to date and time I also want to be able to input the users name.
And what does this have to do with your initial question?
It is rude not to acknowledge mikeporter's answer.
08-05-2013 10:54 AM
Well excuse me. I thought that I stated this was for a user loggin calendar and that I stated the need to input user name and timed reserved on the instrument. I see that I forgot to state inputing user in my original post. Sorry to offend you and Mike. I appriciate all helpful comments.
08-05-2013 01:59 PM
Drop the ActiveX container on the front panel and you should be able to use the Calendar contorl.
08-05-2013 03:02 PM
Well, I thought you read my initial post, since you pointed out that I did not state anything about entering the user name. However, my initial statement does acknowlege the ActiveX control. That's why I want to use it. I am looking for a way in which a user can click on a date in the ActiveX calender control and then be propted to enter their name and the time period (e.g.,9:00am to 12:00pm) in which they what to use the instrument and have the infomation show up on the front page of the calender under the date. This way other user will know when time is available to use the intrument. If everything can be enter as a string, that would work. Then I would not have to use both the timestamp and a string. By the way, it is just as rude, not to acknowlege ones apology (e.g., I accept your the apology).
08-05-2013 03:16 PM
Oh, you want someone to write a VI for you using this Calendar control.
I am sorry that I did not understand that.
08-05-2013 03:24 PM
If you do not have anything helpful to add then stop reply to my postings. You are wasting my time.
08-05-2013 03:42 PM
OK, so everybody has forgiven everybody -- I guess.
I any case, you aren't going to find one control that does everything. What you need to do, for the data input portion at least, is create a VI that to the operator looks and operates like a dialog box. There are some examples that show in general how to do that. My recommendation is to play with one of those examples until you understand the principles involved and then start modifying it to collect from the user the data that your application needs.
PS: as you work through this challenge feel free to ask lots and lots of specific questions.
PPS: going to be at NIWeek?