09-17-2012 12:21 AM
I have used Network Streams successfully(after certain changes to firewall settings) to connect two PCs to transfer data.But the same when i try to connect with a starter kit,I am unable to do so.There is no output,it is as if the connection is not being established.Can somebody please help me,I have been stuck on this for more than 4 days.
09-17-2012 02:59 AM
Could you tell us, what you mean by "Starter Kit"? Is it some kind of hardware or a software package? Who is the vendor/maker?
09-17-2012 03:01 AM
Labview Starter Kit is a robot manufactured by National Instruments.SB RIO 9631 is the model.
09-17-2012 03:07 AM
Ah, you are talking about DaNI.
Hm, i would expect that kit to "understand" network streams.... if you implement it in the RT part of the sbRIO. Did you already do this?
09-17-2012 03:09 AM
Yes , I am talking about DaNI.I implemented Network Streams in The ROaming.vi to gather data from kinect.
09-17-2012 03:11 AM
And if you mean by RT part that Real-Time should be installed,then ive installed it.
09-17-2012 03:19 AM
Yes, i mean LV Real Time. Did you implement network streams there as well? So is an application running on the sbRIO capable of accepting a network stream?
If not, this is the reason...
09-17-2012 03:21 AM
Yes , As I have said the Roaming.vi which runs on the SbRIO has a stream reader reading data from the program.Now,Do both the writer and the reader program be in the deployed project or can they be seperately executed(anywas i've tried both).
09-17-2012 03:32 AM
Since i haven't got DaNI, you might want to post your Roaming.vi. I would DaNI expect to properly work with network streams if the API is available in the palette for the DaNI target.
I recommend to use both streams (up and down) within the same application, since RT expects you to run only a single top level application. Of course, the streams can be contained in individual subVIs within that application.
09-17-2012 03:36 AM
Here are the files.The Kinect Obst.. has the writer ,while the roaming has the reader.