11-04-2005 03:32 AM
Thanks for the files.
Attached you will find what I did so far. Now the communication between the pic and Labview works.
The only problem I do have now is that the gauges tend to jitter.
I wonder If I made a huge mistake in the programm or that Labview is just not fast enough for that.
I do get a new inputstring every 100ms. When I change the constant of the waittimer it becomes better. But I think that is not the right way to get acceptable values.
11-04-2005 09:54 AM
07-02-2012 02:26 PM
wiring diagram please
07-02-2012 02:32 PM
@nizartun wrote:
wiring diagram please
To whom is your question addressed? And to what are you referring by "wiring diagram"? If you are referring to the block diagram, the VI was posted - just download it and look at it.
07-03-2012 05:37 PM
I want to say electronic circuit diagram