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How to use labview to see the i/t chart of an external machine

I’m a total rookie to labview, and I’m assigned to use labview to see a i/t chart of a machine called ED-9720, how do I do that?

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Message 1 of 4

This one: 1531901037+ED-9720.pdf, from New & Renewable Energy Trainer ED-9720 (


The company seems to have LabVIEW software.


So I'd look (ask them) for a communication manual, the source of the software, and than either use their software, or study it and make your own driver.


Apparently, you'll be using RS485, so you'd need a RS485 port, usually an USB to RS485 or a TCP\IP to RS485 converter, although you can probably still get PCI RS485 cards.

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Message 2 of 4

Thanks for the reply. But I can’t get the manual since I can’t even contact the company. So I’d have to do it myself. What should I look for in Labview to show the I/t Chart of ED-9720?

By the way I use RS485 to USB converter to connect my pc

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Message 3 of 4

There website looks like it's not been maintain for 20 years. Didn't look further and I assumed "contact" actually linked to something.


Without a manual it will be hard.


It might not even be possible to get that data...


Is there any (closed source) software that controls the device? That you can try sniffer software of even a logic analyzer to monitor the commands.


If there's no software, I fear the only way is to try random RS485 data until you get anything back.


Do you at least know what's used? SCPI - Wikipedia, Modbus - Wikipedia? A baud rate?


I don't know what else to say. If you don't have any information, it might be cheaper to buy another brand.

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Message 4 of 4