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I/O Assistant is not installed correctly error

I have tried installing different versions of NI-VISA and none of them can install the I/O Assistant. My operating system is Windows 10 and my Labview version is 2013. The problem is given as 'Visual Studio .net 2003 not being installed'. This machine had the I/O Assistant installed previously but had the operating system upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and now I have this problem. I found the compatible version of NI-VISA to be 15.0 or higher for this operating system but none of them can install the I/O Assistant. Any suggestions or solutions would be appreciated.

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 Here is a link with steps to NI VISA & other dependencies reinstall: Reinstallin VISA and dependencies, try to follow it and if it does not work, try to read this forum with similar cases that could help you!


David S.

Technical Support intern

National Instruments CR


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