01-10-2014 02:30 PM
On the front panel there is a control called VISA Resource Name. There is an arrow on the right side of this. You should click on the arrow to get a drop down list of valid resources. Pick the one the points to your instrument. I don't know what sort of interface to the instrument you are using. It could be a com port, GPIB, Ethernet, etc. If you don't specify the interface, you will get this error.
01-13-2014 11:44 AM
@Dennis_Knutson wrote:
On the front panel there is a control called VISA Resource Name. There is an arrow on the right side of this. You should click on the arrow to get a drop down list of valid resources. Pick the one the points to your instrument. I don't know what sort of interface to the instrument you are using. It could be a com port, GPIB, ethernet, etc. If you don't specify the interface, you will get this error.
Hello Dennis,
I tried the way you said,In the drop down list box that is VISA Resource Name has only Refersh option is listed on the drop down list box.
Too more in detail i will tel what i have from the begining i have connected the Ethernet cable from Keithley 2611A to my laptop and then downloaded the driver file which avalible in keithley website and then Run the Initailze.Vi file and selected VISA Resource Name drop down list it shows error
Error Message: VISA Open in Keithley 2600 Series.lvlib:Initialize.vi
Error number: -1073807343
Please help me out ......
01-13-2014 11:56 AM
Did you add the Ethernet interface in MAX? Right click on Devices and Interfaces and select Create New>VISA TCP/IP Resource. You have a couple of options depending on the type of Ethernet connection that the instrument supports.
01-13-2014 12:14 PM
I am New to Labview could please tell me where is the Max options...Device and interface options in Labview....
Thanks in advance..
01-13-2014 12:18 PM
NI Max (Measurement and Automation Explorer) is on your desktop and is also listed on the windows Start menu.
01-13-2014 01:25 PM
Thanks a lot i have done.After that what i have to do inorder to get interfaced with keithley 2611A
01-13-2014 01:35 PM
If the instrument now appears in MAX and you have validated communication there, it should be selectable from the VISA Resource Name control. In MAX, you can first click on the 'Open VISA Test Panel>Input/Output to send a simple query such as *IDN?.
01-13-2014 01:43 PM
I foollwed the steps what you have said.Now i opened Labview and selected advanced sweep.Vi file to check whether it is running.I have also selected VISA Resource Name which i have saved but still i m getting the same error
Erro number: -1073807343
01-13-2014 01:48 PM
Please take a screen shot of the listing of the instrument in MAX and the VISA Test Panel where you have done the *IDN? query.
And, can you explain how you have configured the instrument? DHCP enabled?, IP address, is it on the same subnet as the pc?, connection to the pc (cross-over cable, hub on the network, etc.).
01-13-2014 01:54 PM
I have attached the image of the configured files