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I-V measurement


I finally have the connection working properly. 

but I have a new error while running the Advance in one of the example drivers:


 for suppose if I give the range of voltage from 1 to 5V, for some 10 or 20 points., 

but the program is terminating in the middle itself, after executing few points and showing the error code..


Error code: 5042 - cannot perform requested action while overlapped operation is in progress.


This come out in both the Keithley LCD and in labview..

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Message 41 of 48

@yogesh5387 wrote:


 for suppose if I give the range of voltage from 1 to 5V, for some 10 or 20 points., 

but the program is terminating in the middle itself, after executing few points and showing the error code..


Error code: 5042 - cannot perform requested action while overlapped operation is in progress.


This come out in both the Keithley LCD and in labview..

I've seen this error when you are trying to change parameters of the Keithley while a sweep is in progress (writing a command to change/set the buffer size for instance).  If a measurement sweep isn't finished and you send commands to change a setting you'll get an error.  

Run the labview code with "highlight excecution" option selected, which will significantly slow down the code.  If the error goes away, then it means your commands are being sent too quickly.  You could also probe the various write commands and see if one of them excecutes as you get the error.



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Message 42 of 48


Can i have the Sweep voltage and current Measurement file for finding the Voltage VS Current   graph 

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Message 43 of 48


When trouble shooting i have some error in the messgae file i have attached that file in this message.Let me know what i have to do in order to solve that error.



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Message 44 of 48
Without seeing the rest of your code, impossible to say what you have done. The subVI does not have a source for the resource or error in. You must have deleted it.
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Message 45 of 48


I am getting the follwoing error which i run the file


Error 0 occured at GPIB write in KE2602A/Limit.Vi


Possible Resons 
LabVIEW:Error connceting to GPIB driver or device
VISA:(Hex 0x0) operation completed successfully

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Message 46 of 48

I need help for this program. Could somebody assist me.. Please... I request 

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Message 47 of 48

Hi Py,


@Py2021 wrote:

I need help for this program. Could somebody assist me.. Please... I request 

What do you request?

Which kind of help/assist do you need?

What have you tried?

Where are you stuck?

Is it still the same problem as 9 years ago?


Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 48 of 48