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I can start my vi but executable asking for sub-vi when it starts

Jeez guys. Be nice.


Listen you need to go through each window of the application builder and make sure you understand what each setting does. This will allow you to point to the vis the application is dependent on. Then when you set up the installer, you want to include your subvis and any variable libraries you are using. What I do is whenever I create a subvi it goes into a subvi folder under the main application's folder. Then all I have to do is include everything in the folder. The problem with building a stand alone application is that you need to include all the drivers your program uses. This isn't automatically detected by labview or anything. So you have to know the application well enough to not exclude something.


The documentation on application building and installer building is decent. You should check it out. Just remember you have to manually tell the builders to include everything you need for your program to work.

[will work for kudos]
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