03-22-2024 05:58 AM
I can't find a way to solve this, I'd really appreciate the help.
The VI should display three periods of sin(2*pi*f*t) on a waveform chart and save the data in a spreadsheet only when the Save button is pressed.
The VI should start calculating the function only when the OK Button is pressed.
Is there a way for the tick count in the case structure to start when OK Button is True and not when the while loop starts?
I attached the VI for more clarification.
NB: I'm new to LABVIEW
Thank you,
Best regards,
03-22-2024 06:19 AM
Look into shift registers.
Shift registers allow values to be stored in a loop iteration so the next iteration can use it.
Have a look, see if it makes sense, let us know if you need more help with that.
03-22-2024 07:04 PM
You mean like this?