11-29-2006 01:44 PM
12-01-2006 05:38 PM
07-30-2007 08:45 AM
07-31-2007 07:00 AM
I managed to get a .dll written in LabVIEW that interfaces with the Telesis Merlin II software. This is not what I wanted but when I started with the Telesis supplied SDK and emailed a question to Telesis with some sample code, I was told that I was somewhere where I wasn't supposed to be and that it was being referred up the ladder and that if I needed to contact them again, I would have to go through my co-worker (the engineer who was heading the project). (I know, I had exactly the same look on my face as you do after reading that) Since then, we have had two of the TMC-090 controllers in simple production roles and have had nothing but problems with them (I have not implemented my .dll for this reason). I just heard the other day (after being called out to the floor for a problem) that according to the distributor we bought our Telesis products from, we are not the only users having trouble with the TMC-090.
Personally, I don't think that Telesis has anyone in their employment that knows enough(about their TMC-090 or programming or LabVIEW)...that guy left during our early stages of development. I know this because I waited for him to return an answer to a question for about 3 weeks, then found out he didn't work there longer. My advice to anyone thinking of using Telesis to keep thinking until you have a plan that doesn't include them...as much for you own sanity as for the dependability and consistency of your production line.
07-31-2007 08:43 AM
07-03-2008 08:58 PM - edited 07-03-2008 09:08 PM
05-09-2012 08:12 AM
I am also trying to send data from VB to Telesis machineMNC420 but no luck.Kindly guide me and provide me some tutorial or sample code to send data.I am also unable to free download LabView7.1
Kindly guide me
Thanks in advance
05-10-2012 04:11 PM
Hi nikstheonlyone,
I could not find a MNC420 that Telesis’s makes. Perhaps you mean one of the TMMxxxx/420 or TMPxxxx/420?
Anyway, it looks like from G1L’s post that you can use activeX control in LabVIEW to interface with the Telesis machine; however, I could not find any examples of doing this besides what he posted. Maybe some of the other posters’ in this thread have something they wrote, but it is a four year old thread so they may not see your question.
In regard to your question about a “free” version of LabVIEW 7.1, we do not have one for LabVIEW 7.1 (as it is quite old) but we do have a 30-day trial of LabVIEW that you can download at http://www.ni.com/labview and then click on the Download LabVIEW link.
05-16-2012 03:30 AM
As Ever Song pointed out, you need to downlad and install the ActiveX to be able to communicate with the TELESIS. Once you install the Extended protocol, you'll be able to read the help file that comes included in the install package. There is all the information about methods and properties to use the ActiveX.
There is a little code a used some weeks ago to update some serial numbers to be stamped, and start the stamp by the serial port.
Private Sub Form_DblClick() Dim a As Integer Dim TLSSString As String FrmPrincipal.TELESISComm.DisplayErrors = False FrmPrincipal.TELESISComm.ResponseTimeout = 1000 FrmPrincipal.TELESISComm.BaudRate = "19200" FrmPrincipal.TELESISComm.DataBits = 8 FrmPrincipal.TELESISComm.StopBits = 0 FrmPrincipal.TELESISComm.Parity = 0 FrmPrincipal.TELESISComm.PortNumber = 10 'COM10 a = FrmPrincipal.TELESISComm.SendWithResponse("1", "01" & PartNumber, TLSSString) Delay (0.2) a = FrmPrincipal.TELESISComm.SendWithResponse("1", "02" & "1T" & Right(PumpSN, 9), TLSSString) Delay (0.2) a = FrmPrincipal.TELESISComm.SendWithResponse("1", "03" & PartNumber & "1T" & Right(PumpSN, 9), TLSSString) Delay (0.2) a = FrmPrincipal.TELESISComm.SendWithResponse("G", "", TLSSString) Delay (0.2) End Sub
PartNumber and PumpSN are the data to be stamped
TLSSString is a empty string or ""
05-01-2024 05:14 AM
i need help step by step video or photo to how connect to TMC420 control with pc please with program and drivers attached