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I want to use myDAQ to output voltage in a staircase pattern.

Hello everyone!

I am looking for a program to output a staircase of voltages using myDAQ.
I would like to write a program in LabVIEW using myDAQ to output a voltage in a staircase pattern. By staircase, I mean I want to increase the voltage by 1V from 0V to 10V and hold it at each voltage for 3 seconds.
I would appreciate your advice on the attached program. Thank you in advance.

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Hi Taisho,


@TaishoFukui wrote:

By staircase, I mean I want to increase the voltage by 1V from 0V to 10V and hold it at each voltage for 3 seconds.

  1. Use a FOR loop.
  2. Iterate the loop 11 times.
  3. Output the loop iterator to your AO channel.
  4. Have a wait of 3000ms in the loop.

That's all you need…


Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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