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I want triangular wave fitting.

hello .
I end up needing a triangle wave fitting.
This is because we need to distort the triangle wave. 

I don't know what the problem is in your current VI.


I am trying to fit a signal like the one in the picture above with a triangular wave.
I'm having trouble putting together an example code.




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Message 1 of 5

Your picture does not show a triangular wave.

Nobody in his right mind would use the formula version of Levenberg-Marquardt. (Besides, your model description has several issues). Start with creating a proper model VI, and make sure it calculates something resembling your data given the parameter estimates.


For more examples, have a look at my group here.


Can you write out the formula you like to fit?


Your current input data looks as follows. Where exactly do you see a "triangle wave"?




Message 2 of 5

Thanks to reply

fist I want to distortion wave form to triangular 

below image A to B






So, Ignore the arrays in the sample code.
Can I finally fit these A waveforms to B or

do I need to use a different method for distortion?



I'm checking your sample code .



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

A and B look very different. Do you have some real data?

What is the model equation? What are typical model parameters?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

1. Original wave form data in VI file


2. I tried expressing an expression using a formula node.


 z = x / T; // Normalize x by period
frac_part = z - floor(z); // Fractional part of z
y = A * (2 * abs(frac_part - 0.5)) + C; // Triangle wave formula


So parameters is 

A : amplitude

T : peroid

x: time

C: offset


If there is a different way to distort the triangular wave, please let me know.

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Message 5 of 5