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IMAQ ArrayToImage

Our old complicated application, in LabView 6.1,  uses IMAQ ArrayToImage. It does not seem to be present in the 8.2 environment. It there an alternate?
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Message 1 of 4
There should be an image to array function in 8.2.  I have Vision Assistant 8.2, that includes a lot of the image vi's (I think image to array is also included in this).  I'm assuming you have some sort of add on, either vision assistant, vision development module, or IMAQ.  This software may need to be upgraded so that LabVIEW 8.2 recognizes these vi's.  I would call NI to help you with some upgrading options; I had to do this the other day.
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Message 2 of 4

Thanks. We downloaded the Vision module for evaluation. If it works, we will buy it.


Thanks,  Earl D.

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Message 3 of 4

     When you upgraded to 8.2 did you reinstall or install IMAQ afterwards?  The installer is what will add those VI's into the LabVIEW environment, so this needs to be done.  The IMAQ driver will install all VI's that relate to acquiring and saving your images.  So, the IMAQ image to array function will be installed with the IMAQ driver.  If you want to do any image manipulation you will need the Vision Development Module (VDM) for LabVIEW.  This will then add the IMAQ array to image (since now you are not acquiring an image but rather building one, it falls under image manipulation)
      The IMAQ driver is free and will work along with any NI framegrabber and  appropriate camera.  If you don't have a framegrabber and you are using a firewire camera then you'll have to get a license for IMAQdx (firewire and GigE).  Both drivers are included in the Vision Acquisition Software package (the drivers).  For image manipulation you'll purchase VDM.  Vision Builder and Vision Assisant are other programs that you can buy that will allow you to preform all of the same acquire and process task as LabVIEW with IMAQ and VDM...but outside of the LabVIEW environment.
     If you have any questions, we're here to help.  You could post here, e-mail, or give us a call.  Happy New Year!

John H
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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