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IMAQdx incorrectly loading some attributes from .icd file

Hi all,

I am trying to prepare my code for streaming video to disk for up to 16 Basler a2A1920-51gcPro cameras.  


I would like to be able to read & load a single configuration file to all cameras...and then only change the attributes specific to each camera during runtime such as FrameTransmission delay.


I am having two problems:

1.  LabVIEW (IMAQdx) is not correctly loading some of the attributes stored in the icd file when it first connects to the Camera. 

2.  LabVIEW (IMAQdx) is not able to modify some of the attributes programatically during runtime.


First things first.


Regarding Problem 1 {

I have found that when LabVIEW connects to my Camera (Basler a2A1920-51gcPro), it loads the camera settings from a .icd file located under "C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-IMAQdx\Data".  The icd file can be overwritten by NI-MAX if the configuration is changed in any way.


However, I'm finding that some attributes do not really get applied by LabVIEW, such as 'BslImageCompressionRatio' and 'BslScalingFactor' even though their values are correct in the .icd file.  Anytime LabVIEW connects to the camera, it sets both 'BslImageCompressionRatio' and 'BslScalingFactor' to 1.0 (instead of 44 and 1.6 respectively).  I can tell this by connecting with Pylon (without cycling power to camera) and reading the actual values.  


Has anyone else had this problem? 


Note:  Pylon has a .pfs (Pylon Feature Stream) text file used to load and save attributes.  The file format looks very similar to the .icd file.



Regarding Problem 2{

-If IMAQdx can't be fixed, then I think my only workaround is to write a DLL for each parameter that IMAQdx fails to write.





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Message 1 of 3

Hi I know this was posted awhile ago, but I was wondering if you ever found a solution? I am dealing with a similar issue where the limits for Exposure are incorrect, and I would like to set them manually, but MAX keeps overwriting any changes.

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Message 2 of 3

Sigh.  I've dealt with IMAQdx and the setting and manipulation of .icd Attributes.  I had a lot of experience with (now I don't remember if they were Basler or Axis cameras, but they were 640x480 color cameras with TCP/IP as their way to connect to the PC), but this project was done about 6-7 years ago.


Do you know how to obtain the Attributes for your Camera?  Hold on, I'll look it up ...  IMAQdx Enumerate Attributes will give you a list of all the Camera Attributes and their current settings.  Some of the Attributes are Enums, and if they are Readable (part of the Attribute setting), you can use an IMAQdx Property Node to get representations of their allowed values (see Snippet).

Get IMAQdx Enum.png


Bob Schor

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