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Image logging problems in VBAI

I have problems logging images in Vision Builder AI and a 1712 Smart Camera. I want to Acquire Image->Log Image->Delay over and over again acquiring images and sending them to the computer with a time stamp of when they were taken.  I have the computer setup as an FTP server and VBAI recognizes the IP address.  What do I use for Folder path and File Name.  Everything I have tried produces no results. I can maually save images one at a time but the Log Image function saves no files anywhere on the computer no matter what directory I specify.

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Message 1 of 6

When you configure your FTP Server on Windows, you can specify the root directory to be anywhere on your system. In VBAI, you can specify the IP Address of your Windows machine that has the FTP server running and make sure to press the "Test Login" button because this will provide interactive feedback about your file path/file name because it will actually try to log a test file and and if you connect successfully you can view your FTP Server's connection log to see where it is trying to log a file and this can also provide useful debugging information about why no file is logged (i.e. you need to provide a username/password to connect, the directory is not writable, etc.) The Folder Path should be something like "ftproot/My Images" (use forward slashes between directories when specifying an FTP path) and the File Name can just be "Acquired Image" with the Append Timestamp turned on to ensure a unique file name is used each time. You could even include the full path in the File Name if you want and have it based on a previous measurement, but start simple to make sure a basic path works.


Hope this helps,


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Message 2 of 6

I remember that I once faced the same issue.   I configured the FTP Server to allow anonymous logins and the home folder for the user anonymous.  That was a good starter:  As soon as this works you can add security ...

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Message 3 of 6

Just to be clear if I want to automate the saving of images from my Smart Camera to the computer that it is cabled in to, I need to go the FTP route? I cant use the local directory option? I just want to save pictures from the camera to the computer where its plugged in and VBAI is running.   Seems like overkill.


When I click "Test Login" I get a sucessful message where is the log for my FTP server located? I dont see an option to allow anonymous logins in the FTP configuration screen.

I used the article in the "knowledge base" section of NI's website to configure the FTP server on a windows xp computer.


I do a search of my computer and cant find any image files created on this date anywhere its like it goes through the "log image" command but doesn't send a picture anywhere.

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Message 4 of 6

As far as I know FTP is the only option you have ...
Have you tried to transfer a file from a different PC to the PC via FTP? Just to confirm that your FTP Server allows writing to the specified folder ...

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Message 5 of 6

I have configured the FTP server on my computer, I get a successful log in message, I found the FTP log and confirmed that it is creating and deleting a file to check connectivity. Still no pictures saved.  Any input that I give in the "file name" whether a variable or user defined input returns the "invalid file name" error message.

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Message 6 of 6