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Image to array maximum image size

Hey guys,

I have a problem with the Image to array VI. I am getting the image from a FL2-20S4M camera from point grey, which has a maximum resolution of 1624x1224 pixels. The image is loaded with IMAQ vision and displayed. I now use image to array to convert the image and display it in an intensity graph. When I set the resolution of IMAQ vision to 800x600 it worked. When I set it to 1624x1224 the image was still displayed, but the intensity graph was empty. Now I set the resolution back to 800x600, but the intensity graph does not work again.

Is this a known problem or is there a maximum resolution for image to array? How could I fix the problem or at least make it work with 800x600 again?

Thanks a lot in advance,


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Message 1 of 2
Is the camera a 16bit one?If yes then can you convert it to 8 bits and try?
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Message 2 of 2