03-12-2024 02:57 PM
I am currently in the beginning process of writing a code for pattern matching. In that, I started to create a code to convert an image to an array. However, the pixels are slightly off. For instance, I might check the pixel at the 400 400 index and the RBG values are slightly off.
In the code I converted the jpeg image to a U8. Is this where my error is coming from? If so, which image should I convert it to so I can maximize accuracy? If not, what are potential sources of the error? And because it is only slightly off, will this cause a huge issue while pattern matching? I am assuming so.
Finally, my current code is only outputting one pixel when I give it a certain index. How can I make it a whole array to output all the pixels?
03-12-2024 03:16 PM
We can't really help unless you show us your code (Attach your VI and some typical data).