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Implace Array Functions

Is there or can anyone provide me with a document that lists each array function and whether it executes implace or not implace? I know about the ini setting to show implaceness dots but I was wondering if there is a centralized document or list or maybe a website. Any info would be appreciated.

Lead Test Tools Development Engineer

Philips Respironics

Certified LV Architect / Instructor
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

I have been looking around for a simple list that shows clearly which array functions will allocate a new buffer in memory. Unfortunately, the answer is not as cut-and-dry as that. For a good reference concerning memory allocation caused by using arrays and their functions, there is a very good knowledge base already written that you may like to take a look at. It has a zip file attached that contains four VIs that illustrate different memory issues. It also has links to other sites that give more general information about when LabVIEW has to create new buffers and provide attached tools to monitor memory allocation in your VIs. I hope that this helps. Here is the main link (knowledge base 36PF8BHV). It can also be found by going to our web pa

I'm sorry that I was not able to find you exactly what you wanted. I hope that this at least helps. Take care and have a great day!

Aaron B.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7
Thanks for the reply unfortunately your link doesn't work and I can't seem to find that KB number anywhere. Could you maybe post another link. I kinda thought that there wasn't any documents that would show these functions. It just has been a curiousity of alot of developers throughout the LV community. I appreciate your help. Thanks.

Brandon Dineff
Certified LV Developer

Lead Test Tools Development Engineer

Philips Respironics

Certified LV Architect / Instructor
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

I think the NI engineer may have inadvertently given a link to an NI Intranet version of a document. He will probably come back and update the thread with more info.

Meanwhile, I wanted to mention a post I recalled from the Info-LabVIEW mailing list some time back. It mentioned an undocumented .INI file setting (meaning it might be helpful, but beware, because the LabVIEW developers have probably kept it undocumented for good reason) that discusses how to get LabVIEW to indicate for you when its operations are inplace.

Here's the link:

(and the link to the Info-LabVIEW search engine is here, for the record:

Hope it helps,
John Lum
National Ins
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7
And oops--I didn't ready your post very carefully, did I?

Checking back, I see you're onto this, so I'll pretend that I added it here in case others are interested in the information! 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7
Thanks John,

It is ok. This was kind of a shot in the dark. I know that there has been lots of questions about this concept in classes and on the developer zone. I just wanted to help students understand and contribute to the LV community the best I can. I do agree that the posting is probably an internal KB entry. If you can find any info I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Brandon Dineff
Certified LV Developer/Instructor

Lead Test Tools Development Engineer

Philips Respironics

Certified LV Architect / Instructor
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

I appologize for the mistake. The link that I sent you was indeed to an internal document. Here is a link to another, public knowledge base that may be of help as well. It will help you determine where LabVIEW is creating new buffers.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope that this help. Take care!

Aaron B.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7