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Import of nce in NI MX fails because of SCXI-1600


I want to import a nce configuration file into the measurement and automation explorer. I use a SCXI measurement system with a SCXI-1001 chassis. Devices are SCXI-1600, SCXI-1102 and SCXI-1106.

The problem is, that somehow during import the import assistant tells me, that it's not possible to import the SCXI-1600 device and its configuration. Unfortunatly the DAQmx tasks are linked with this device and only by deselecting the tasks a import would be possible.

I guess the problem results from versions updates. So the current nce file was exported with an unknown (probably) older NI MX version, and now it's impossible to import it in this newer version.


Is there a possibility to import at least the tasks?



PS: In this screenshot the message next to the SCXI-1600 says: Import not supported. Ignore the yellow triangles, they result from a previous import of this file so this is a warning, that those variables will be overwritten

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Message 1 of 2

By creating a task with some channels, exporting the whole configuration and trying to import it again I found out you will never be able to import nce configuration files if there is some dependence of tasks on the scxi chassis (in general there will be a dependence).

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