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Improper Format error while saving for previous version

Hi all,


I have been developing some Daq code with LabView 8.5. Recently I needed to open the vi on a computer which has Labview 8. I used the save for previous version option. I used low-level vi's in my code which are both available to 8.5 and 8 instead of using new express vi's. LV warned me about converting fixed point numbers to double precision while saving, which in my opinion should not cause a problem.


I have also enabled "Show front panel when called" and "Show front panel when loaded" options from VI Properties dialog (as adviced by previous threads


However I was not able to solve the problem. Are there any suggestions to solve my problems?



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I dont understand exactly what the problem is.


Have you used fixed point numbers in your code? and if so does it matter if LabVIEW converts them to DBL? If not then dont worry about it.


What problem do you have with the 'show front panel when called' as it isnt clear from your message.


Also, if you can post your problem code as it makes it easier for people to see the problem

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