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In Place Index and Replace

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This is again one of those things that could be an Ideas Exchange to some, and a bug to others.  If I have a 1D array, and I use the Index function it starts at index 0 without having to wire anything to the index terminal.  If I use an In Place Element Structure and choose the Index and Replace Array I get a broken arrow if I leave the index terminal un wired.


Also If I wire an index with a value of 5, when I expand it down I expect it to index element 6, and 7, and 8 and continue for the size of the index function.  Here again is where the native Index function behaves differently from the IPE index and replace.  Is this a bug?  Is this an Idea of how the IPE should work?

Message 1 of 6

I would expect the IPE to behave exactly like the index function. Didn't even realize it doesn't!


Kudos for the idea, Hooovah.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

I'd consider that a bug, the only difference should be that it works in the same memory, nothing else.


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Qestit Systems
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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author Hooovahh

It was already suggested here -

And here (which discusses a slightly different behavior with >1D arrays) -


We also had a discussion which touched on the topic of how the IPES behaves here -



Try to take over the world!
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Message 4 of 6

When I posted this topic the forum made me search (as is expected) but in the forums nothing came up.  Glad to see great minds are already thinking about this.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Got confronted with this issue today using LV2014. The 2015 beta version was annouced not long ago, hope the change will be made in this version.



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Message 6 of 6