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Increasing Num Legend Rows crashes LV if Stacked Chart

Hi all,


This is still an issue in LabView 8.6.1.  All the work arounds are horrendous.  Will it ever be fixed or just continue to suck horrifically?


At least change the help documentation so it doesn't say that it's settable when the VI is running when it most certainly IS NOT!



0 Kudos
Message 51 of 60

Adam P.


Hello! Is this the documentation that you mentioned being incorrect?


Number of Rows Property


If so, thanks for pointing that out! It does need to be clarified that it is settable when the VI is running, just not in an executable.

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Ben Sisney
FlexRIO V&V Engineer
National Instruments
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0 Kudos
Message 52 of 60


Your link is for a Table.  The issue in question here is for a Chart.  It's Legend : Number of Rows property says it is settable when the Vi is running.  That is not correct.




Message Edited by SteveP on 07-28-2009 03:25 PM
Message 53 of 60

Ben Sisney,


No, we are talking about the Legend:Number of Rows Property which is documented incorrectly here:


Attempting to set the Legend:Number of Rows Property will yield an error 1000 if TWO conditions are met:

1) The waveform chart is in the 'Stack Plots' condition.

2) The VI containing the waveform chart is running.


The documentation should not claim the property is settable when the VI is running because that is not the case if the waveform chart is stacked!


Apparently, these two conditions would also cause LabView to crash in the past, see:



Message 54 of 60

My apologies, I did link the wrong property from the LabVIEW help. Thanks for correcting that.


As mentioned previously in this thread this issue is very well documented and is known to the LabVIEW R&D department. Thanks for your continual feedback on this issue and I apologize that you have run into this unfortunate Bug.

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Ben Sisney
FlexRIO V&V Engineer
National Instruments
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0 Kudos
Message 55 of 60

Tried to follow the status of this issue. I still received error 1000 in my Labview 10.0. Correct me if I am wrong.

0 Kudos
Message 56 of 60

Hello crxx,


It appears as though our R&D department is continuing to work on this issue under CAR #113726.  Please refer to the LabVIEW Release Notes to determine if progress has been made with future releases.





National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 57 of 60

Hello Ben


Is the issue of excutable solved? i am still finding the problem in LV2012SP1 😛




0 Kudos
Message 58 of 60

We are now in 2016..


I am somehow landed to this discussion since i am having the same issue. Just courious to know if the workaround solution is also work in executable (build) version. Have tried it with LV2015.. the answer is unfortunately NOT.


Any other solution?



0 Kudos
Message 59 of 60

Hi Rajamodol,

You can track the bugs which have been fixed using our release notes for each new release of LabVIEW. If a bug is resolved in that release, the CAR tracking number will be listed under "Bug Fixes" in the release notes. For example, here are the release notes for LabVIEW 2015 Service Pack 1:

As mentioned above, this issue is being tracked under CAR #113726. I believe the error only occurs if you are using a Waveform Chart with a type of double, and this has likely already been mentioned before. You can try using a Waveform Chart with a waveform type as a workaround in the meantime. 

Charlie J.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 60 of 60