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Integrating SLM into LabVIEW without external programmes







I'm trying to integrate the SLM(Spartial Light Modulator) into my LabVIEW VI.


We used to this programme called the "HOLOEYE SLM Application Software 2.2 for the LC 2002" to adjust the grey level for the SLM.


Now, I want to build up certain controls to adjust the grey level of the SLM, WITHOUT using any external programmes.


We have tried using the example VI, which is the "Basic Serial Write and" which is the first screenshot.


However, when we type in the RS 232 code in the write buffer, the command wasn't executed even though the programme was running normally.


We also tried building our own VI, which is the second screenshot, and the same thing happens.


The SLM did not respond at all. It remains the same.


Greatly appreciate your tips/advice/help to me.


Thanks, and cheers!

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Are you sure a carriage return and line feed is what you need to send and not just a line feed?


You have an IDN line, a blank line, then a command.  Are you sure the command is correct?  Try removing the IDN and the extra blank line.  Those might be interfering with your final command.  Basically you could be overloading the instrument and not allowing it to responde, or confusing it by sending an extra linefeed in there.


Why are you reading zero bytes in the VISA read?  And you don't have any string wired to the data that is coming back from the VISA read?


Have you tried the commands in Hyperterminal to see if they work there?


You should also have a wait statement in the loop.  Right now you are running that loop infinitely fast.  That might be flooding the instrument with commands.

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