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Interface to CAN-Bus on RIO Eval Board

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You will need to use the Embedded CAN VIs in RT along with the J1939 VIs since the CAN ports aren't FPGA accessible. If you look at the J1939 NI CAN Frame example, it uses NI-CAN VIs to read and write CAN frames. You can just replace the NI-CAN VIs with the Embedded CAN VIs. No FPGA is necessary for this.


See the attached example. Note that you will need to do some converting between the data type that the Embedded CAN VIs use and the data type that the J1939 VIs use.

Daniel C.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 21 of 24



Thanks for the information, it helped me alot. 


When I open the J1939 VI's, there is a notification that the "CanFrameTimed.ctl is missing.

This problem is apearing almost on every VI of the J1939 library. I am searching for a solution for this isue. Does anyone knows how to fix this..


Is it normal that you don't use the CAN frame of the READ/WRITE VI's of the embedded RIO CAN drivers.

(see picture above)




Best Regards,



0 Kudos
Message 22 of 24





I have resolved the isue. I can now run my VI, without errors

I installed the NI CAN drivers, and "CanFrameTimed.ctl" isn't missing anymore.

I will look into the conversion of the two clusters (CAN data between RIO Embedded CAN and J1939).


The information on this forum helped me alot!!




Best Regards,




0 Kudos
Message 23 of 24



I have the J1939 Transport Protocol VI that can read or write CAN signals with the SAE J1939 protocol.


I would like te control the PVED-CC module, it is a Sauer Danfoss CAN Communication Interface Module (actuator)

This module is used to control a hydraulic PVG 32 (proportional valve group)


I know that the actuator send short SAE J1939 signals, because I measured it with a digital oscilloscope,  the signals are not log because they are fault messages. Because I didn't connect the valve group yet.


I have used two resistors of 220 Ohm, to make the bus terminations. I assume that the RIO Evaluation board (sb-9636) doesn't have a jumper where you can change the resistor onboard of the connector (on the CAN0 connector). So I took my own resistors to make the termination.


I can't get communication with the CC module in Labview, when the VI runs there is nothing that happens

I am not sure that with the VI, I can control the CC-module I used 254 as the current device adress and a baud rate 250000kbps and a Receive queue size of 5. 


I made two concersions in the Process Incoming Messages and the Output Processed Outgoing Messages loops. Because the clusters where not the same as the NI CAN , NI XNET or cRIO drivers uses. I uses bundle and unbundle function for clusters, to make the VI excecutable.


I attached the VI, as some information of the fault mode of the actuator


I can send messages from the VI to the bus, I measured them with my scope. But I can't confirm that they are SAE J1939 compatible


I am dutch student, and I need some help for my thesis. I would like to know if it is possible to control the CAN module by using controllers of National instrument

If the test suceed, we will buy the cRIO-9030 controller with the NI 9853 CAN module. Because it is almost the same hardware as the evaluation kit, I would like to use it as a test to proove that the hardware is compatile.




NI J1939 transport protocol:


Sauer Danfoss PVED-CC module:




Best Regards,



0 Kudos
Message 24 of 24