05-15-2014 02:37 AM
Hi Guys,
Sorry I'm new.
But, i've tried searching an answer for this but can't find one in the forums.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
05-15-2014 02:39 AM
05-15-2014 02:41 AM
Commands have been made originally from putty, so was just thinking of interfacing it through labview.
would this be easier?
05-15-2014 02:53 AM
05-15-2014 02:54 AM
It quite depends why you would want to use putty. If it is just for interfacing to a serial device then by all means use the VISA functions in LabVIEW instead. Integrating an external program interactively into another application is quite an involved process and in the case of putty made more complicated since it only exists as independent executable.
If you need the SSH or Rlogin featuers of putty then that's another story but please let us first know what you really try to do with putty here.
05-15-2014 05:19 AM
10-27-2016 04:46 PM
We have developed a package on the LabVIEW Tools Network to automate serial port interactions. You can use it to replicate what you manually do using Putty in LabVIEW for serial devices such as logining in, entering commands, waiting for a response and returning it. You can find out more about it and download a 30-day free trial at: http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/214248