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Is there a feature within LabVIEW that takes the last half of the data (array) that then can be used for analysis?

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I was wondering if there was something along these lines within LabVIEW to create a shortcut for this rather than trying to hard code it after the fact. Does anyone know this method that I'm referring to? (IEC 60601-2-24 sec 50) Please let me know because I'm struggling here. 

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Message 1 of 4

Array Subset?


You could also reshape the array from a 1-D to a 2-D and use Index Array to get the 2nd column.  You'll have to play with it to get the dimensions and order of indices correct.

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Message 2 of 4

I guess that could partially work for my problem. I have to calculate the index and length after the fact. I'm just hoping that there may be a simpler solution. Thanks RavensFan

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author mark.eckhoff

@mark.eckhoff wrote:

 I have to calculate the index and length after the fact. I'm just hoping that there may be a simpler solution.

Well, you can reduce the complexity by half by only calculating the "index" and leave the "lenght" of "array subset" unwired. If you don't wire the lenght, the subset is the rest of the array.


There is also "split 1D array".


If this is still too hard, do it once and wrap it into a subVI called e.g. "SecondHalf1D.VI". Of course you probably also need some logic do deal with cases where the array size is not an even number. 

Message 4 of 4