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Is there a way using the format specifiers for a numeric control to pad an exponent value with leading 0's

Smiley Embarassed

I'm embarrassed to admit this... Considering how long I've used LV, I've never really had a good grasp of the format specifiers.  I usually just beat my head against the wall until I get what I want.  My forehead can take no more today, as it is still tender after last night's unrelated head banging.  I need to move on.


Is there a way to format the display of a numeric control like this 7.12E+07 (as opposed to 7.12E+7).


I'd rather not use a string control.




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I saw that, but it appeared that was an issue for formatting the string with a padded 0 + exponent value and the conversion to numeric was for adding a value...   If it really can't be done, that's probably why it was in a string to begin with and going back to a string in the end.



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