06-29-2010 11:17 AM
Hi ,
I am new to LabVIEW so please pardon any stupid questions. I will be acquiring real time data on a cantilever beam with accels mounted on it. The beam will be subjected to transient signals (chirp). I want to perform averaging, do an FFT on it, get coherence and the autopower and display the data on a graph. I would prefer using the same VI that I have made to acquire the data with some modifications to perform the further analysis. Does LabVIEW contain any specific VIs that can allow me do this? I would appreciate any other suggestions. I have attached my VI for reference. Thanks in advance.
06-30-2010 02:03 PM
Hi guys,
Can anyone please send me a reply to my question? Its kinda urgent.
Thanks in advance.
06-30-2010 03:18 PM
@ksurdi wrote:
Hi ,
I want to perform averaging, do an FFT on it, ...
You can do averaging with the Mean vi found in the palette Mathematics - Probability & Statistics. You can find FFT functions in Signal Processing - Waveform Measurements. If there is a function you need and are not sure of where to find it, use the search button, top right corner of the functions palette.