02-22-2023 12:32 PM
I am currently try to use a JAI AP-1600T-PGE with IMAQ-DX but keep getting an “Error 0xBFF6901B timeout” when I try to get an image using NIMAX. I am running LabVIEW 2022Q3, Vision2022Q3, and NIMAX 2022Q3. I am using xml file for the camera dated 11/2019
Using a network card and Intel MPro1000 (with the IMAQ driver). I have check the multiple articles on NI for the that 'Timeout' error, turned off the firewall, jumbo packets, etc.
It was working perfectely in the 'eBus Player for JAI' that is provide with the camera. I have uninstalled the eBus Player and it still gives me the timeout error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
08-13-2023 03:39 AM
08-13-2023 08:10 PM
Camera manufacturers develop software that work with the proprietary requirements of their cameras. NI provides IMAQdx that attempts to adhere to the GenICam (Generic Interface for Cameras) standards, but not all cameras that say they are GenICam-compliant work easily with IMAQdx (I tried for several months to get a third-party camera, which worked with the manufacturer's proprietary driver, to do the same functions with IMAQdx, without success).
If you have an "image-acquisition/processing" task you want to do using LabVIEW, make sure that the camera has been certified to work with IMAQdx.
Bob Schor
09-24-2024 01:01 PM
Needed to update the camera with the latest firmware and then everything worked