12-21-2005 01:05 PM
12-21-2005 02:17 PM
05-26-2011 11:18 AM
This "problem" still exists even in LabVIEW 2010SP1. I stumbled upon this post searching for a solutions. I have a subvi which is set to "Show Front Panel when Called" however even with setting the keyfocus for a string control to TRUE the property does not work.
I noticed that I had set my subvi's window appearance to "Floating". Changing this to Modal fixed my problem. Not sure why NI doesn't allow Keyfocus to be called when the VI is Floating but there's probably a reason however obscure.
09-07-2012 03:48 PM
I also noticed that putting key focus property nodes just after Dialog Boxes can cause this problem to happen as well. Placing a small wait time (~5ms) immediately after the timer helps with this problem.