06-22-2023 10:04 PM
Hi everyone,
I am kind of new to LabVIEW, and I am trying to sweep voltages using Keysight B2092A SMU considering the compliance voltage/current. I tried to use the device's "Agilent B2900 Series Output Sweep Volts.vi" example VI, but it always gives me the following "Error 5001 occurred at Agilent B2900 Series Output Sweep Volts.vi. Possible reasons: OCP Detected, Output switch is turned off automatically".
I connected the device through GPIB Cable using Keysight Connection Expert 2022 program. The connection seems fine. However, I cannot see any port on LabVIEW to work with SMU. Is Keysight B2902A SMU controlled by LabVIEW using GPIB Cable? OR should I use USB cable?
Anybody had similar problem? What should I do?
I have attached the vi to this question.
Thanks in advance.
06-23-2023 12:36 PM
06-23-2023 01:01 PM
That's a custom error code indicating that the device itself threw an error, not the communications with the device. It appears you have an over-current protection fault.
06-25-2023 08:12 PM
I am using LabVIEW 2023 Q3 on my Windows 64-bit laptop. The drivers you sent are for the LabVIEW 2013/18/19/20/21 versions. Do you think that is the problem? Should I change the version I have? Thanks for the link, btw
06-25-2023 08:16 PM
Is it possible to control the compliance factor via LabVIEW? Or should I fix it on the device itself?
06-26-2023 01:36 PM
So you might need to consider your measurement a bit more. LabVIEW probably has nothing to do with the errors you are seeing.
SMU specs can be a bit deceiving. The headlines often claim they can source 210V/3A. But what they really offer is ranges of source and sink like..
±6 V @ ±3.03 A
±21 V @ ±1.515 A
±210 V @ ±105 mA
The description sounds like you have hit the current compliance, but you don't specify anything in your post to help us solve that.
What are you measuring?
What are the voltage sweep conditions?
What is the current compliance?
Can you measure the device manually without error?
You can set compliance limit in code. If you are running that example it resets to the default.
06-26-2023 08:53 PM
Thank you for your response!
Here are some specifications about my measurement:
1) I am performing LIV sweep testing on the photodiode using my SMU as a power supply.
2) I need to sweep the current from 0A to 0.1A in 101 steps (i.e. I need to capture 101 points in I-V curve), and the compliance voltage should be something around 2.5V-3V (This is the maximum measured voltage to protect the device from failure).
3) I can measure the device using the Keysight's Quick IV Measurement software, but now I need to do the same on LabVIEW.
Anything else I can provide to solve the problem?
Thank You in Advance!