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LCD Indicator



I would like to simulate an addressable, bitmap capable, LCD screen in LabVIEW. It seems like the controls and supporting VI's created by SGC-Tek were just what I need, but they seem to be buried by the sands of time. for a 1-bit graphics display, I imagine I need a cluster of custom 'pixel' boolean indicators, plus the vi's to handle addressing pixels and displaying bitmaps at given coordinates.


I tried, for example, displaying a simple bitmap icon (using binary data) on a picture control, but the pixels are too small. I think a matrix of custom, square booleans would be ideal.


Does anything like this exist? Or does anyone know where to fine to library from SGC-Tek in the year 2025?


Many thanks!



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

How many pixels are you needing to display? You can use an Intensity Graph to display a 2D array of data.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

@Gregory wrote:

How many pixels are you needing to display? You can use an Intensity Graph to display a 2D array of data.

I was going to suggest the same thing.


I will also note that you may have to manipulate the arrays a bit to get it to match your coordinate system:




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Message 3 of 5

I played around with this a bit for fun. I'm having trouble getting the pixels to stay a constant size.


If you set PlotArea.Size to 64x64, and XScale.Range/YScale.Range to 0-8, you can get close to a display with 8x8 pt pixels but not quite. The draw area winds up 62x62 and some pixels are 7x7. Adding a little fudge factor here and there can get the draw area to 64x64 but pixels still wind up distorted.


PlotArea 64x64:



PlotArea 66x66:



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Message 4 of 5

I made an LCD display using the Picture control. I'm sure it's not very efficient, but it only needs to regenerate when the data changes so that might be OK depending on use case.






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Message 5 of 5