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LV 8.2 : Tree control : item's Child-Only property

I started migration of some apps from LV8.0 to LV8.2 and noticed some changes. Here is one:
LV 8.2 PDS in Win2K:
Child-Only property of a tree control item is reset to False as soon as you drag and drop the item in tree. Also, if a dragged item has child items, Child-Only property becomes False for all items beneath it.
 It can be easy reproduced even without programming any code, just do the following:
- create new VI
- place a tree control on FP
- create 2 or more items in the tree control
- set Child-Only property of an item to True (right-click menu >> Child-Only Item)
- drag the item to new position in the tree
- verify value of Child-Only property of the item (right-click menu >> Child-Only Item)
is there a way to fix this new behavior/bug in LV8.2 (not-existent in 8.0 and earlier versions)?
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8
Hi, kostya.

You're certainly correct! Thanks for providing such a clear set of instructions for reproducing, and thanks for bringing it to our attention. I'll make sure it gets put in a report to R&D for a fix in a future version.

Thanks again, and have a nice weekend!
Sarah K.
Search PME
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 8

 I've encountered this as well, but I hadn't tied it to 8.2.

 In case it helps, I found a way to handle it, but it ain't easy.  In one of my apps that uses a Tree, I already had a need to navigate up & down the branches programatically. One routine needed to start at a tag and copy it & it's children to another location while doing the same thing with a file that mirrors the tree structure. Because of this I had a routine that could be called on to start at a tag and walk through it's children, performing any kind of operation on them. I mirrored the Child Only? status as a symbol. When I've completed the Drop at the destination, I walk through the tree and reset the Child Only? status based on the symbol I find. It's a pain, but it works well.

Certified LabVIEW Developer
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Message 3 of 8

This bug still exists in LV2011.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

This bug still exists in LV2014. Could this please be brought to R & D's attention for fixing.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Thank you for informing us of the issue.  I will let R&D know.


Casey L.

Applications Engineering

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

The bug still exists in LV 2017.


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

The bug is still there in LV2023 Q3.

Message 8 of 8