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LV2019 Sound and Vibration toolkit error in executable

I switched from LV2018 to LV2019 and got an error in executable: "Resource not found. sndvib.dll"
So, I checked this file and it was in the same folder as executable (generated by compiler). Actually, I have 3 files: executable, .ini, sndvib.dll. The same I had after compilation in LV2018.
So, I add "viSearchPath" into .ini file and no result. I changed the path to "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2019\resource" and get a working program. After some manipulations I found the missing file... It was LVASPT_TFA.dll
I deleted "viSearchPath" field and included "LVASPT_TFA.dll" file to my compiler and everything is working as it should now.

The question is: why LV2019 compiler doesn't include all necessary file automatically?

Message 1 of 9

Hi NPalesund,


I've seen these types of issues in the past.


It tends to happen when installing a new version of LabVIEW when the old one is still installed (being removed during the installation) or it was installed in the past. This seems to be caused by an file indexing error in the installer. 


You could send this to NI through their tech support so they can fix the bug. 

Sometimes Application Engineers watch these posts so it could be they are already aware, but send it just in case.


Kind regards,

Natan Biesmans, CLA


Surely not everyone was kungfu fighting.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

To be sure I installed LV2019 on a new PC. The same result.

I'm not sure if I know how to send this information to NI Suport...

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

I had a similar issue just now. I installed LabVIEW 2019 and then successfully installed Sound and Vibration Toolkit 2019 to LabVIEW 2019.

However, now in LabVIEW 2018 the Sound and Vibration Palette has been removed and if I try to install the Sound and Vibration Toolkit 2018 to LabVIEW 2018 it just says it's already installed and no changes will be made.

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Message 4 of 9

I'm facing the same problem. When I deploy an app directly from project window then it loads seamlessly. However when I load my app after installing it then I get the message that the file 'lvaspt_tfa.dll' is missing. I've tried all the solutions that this thread has mentioned but the problem remains.

Can you kindly tell me where you added the file that solved your problem. As far as I understand the missing dll is always included in the dependencies section of the project. Kindly help me. 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

The Labview 2019 SP1 was released. I was waiting and expected that this bug was fixed... Unfortunately, it's still exist. I just continue to use LV2018...

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

I have this same problem moving from LabVIEW 2017 to 2019.


Copying the LVASPT_TFA.dll file from the LabVIEW 2019/resource folder into the support folder of my application (alongside the sndvib.dll) worked great.


In order to make this happen every time I use the build script, I had to add the LVASPT_FTA.dll file to my project and then designate it as always included.

Message 7 of 9



Was this issue ever resolved?  We are seeing the same problem when trying to build an executable from the shipping example, Orbit and Timebase Plot (Simulated).vi.  We are using LV 2020 and are seeing this same problem on two separate development laptops.  This is a blocking issue that is keeping us from finishing our project.  


Thank you,


Russell Blake

Director of Engineering
G Systems,
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified LabVIEW Embedded Systems Developer
Certified Professional Instructor
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Hi MikeC3,


Is it possible to add sndvib.dll into your executable?

I only able to add LVASPT_FTA.dll and I still have same problem, cannot run program.


Any suggestion?


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Message 9 of 9