I find it fascinating that the subject of the thread her changed from slow execution performance to compilation performance all of the sudden. It almost looks like there is a workaround to the original issue - which there is decidedly not! I opened a support ticket that went pretty much nowhere in July since I tried but was unable to get the offending code through our firewall regardless of the fact that it was authoized by the management here at our work site. When I finally get the code to NI they close the issue after a month with no word back as to status and very little apparent feed back to the engineer I was working with.
I've come to the point now where I am looking into discrete drivers for our instruments for eventual replacement of the LabVIEW project with a more difficult to maintain but more stable appliaction under C++ after acquiring the latest version of VIsual Studio and then spending the time to acquire a reasonable understanding of Linq for SQL queries rather than ADO.NET. If LabVIEW itself is unstable enough then our rational for using it diminishes with every broken generation of the LabVIEW development system. Thare are now two and I'm sort of afraid to try a third since if I encounter yet another failure I have to spend more time rebuilding the system from a bare drive again.