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LabVIEW 2010 crashes when changing representation of TypeDef

Hello NI,


I have to report a bug which causes LV 2010 to crash with error in "datamgr.cpp", line 2720. This crash is reproduceable.I use LabVIEw 2010, 32 bit on Windows 7.

To cause this crash you have to perform the following steps (I attached a sample VI to reproduce these steps.):


  • Place a ring control on the FP, change representation to I32
  • On the BD, create a property node “Strings And Values[]”
  • The datatype of this property is Array of Cluster with 2 Elems, “String” & “Value”, where “Value” is of type I32
  • Create a control of this property, surprisingly the type of Value is “extended”
  • On the FP, select the cluster inside the array, click “Customize Control…” from Edit- menu
  • In the Control- Editor change the DataType of Value to I32, then exit the Control Editor without saving the control, but replacing the original cluster
  • LabVIEW 2010 will crash with the error message stated above


The problem is to change the representation of the cluster element, where the cluster is part of a typedef. A solution is to forbid to call the “Customize”- editor directly from the FP (not nice) or to forbid to replace the orginal control, instead force the user to save the altered control to a .ctl (nicer).

This shows a general problem with TypeDefs, where the array of a not-typedefed cluster is typedefed. This was discussed earlier with the cursor list of waveform graphs (couldn’t find it anymore, but read it in this forum) where this problem also can occur. So this is an appeal to National Instruments to change the TypeDef to the clusters and make arrays of them.

And, after all, for me it is unexpected behaviour that a constant / control / indicator, created from a property (or any terminal / node I can find on the BD) has another datatype than the original terminal or node.


Greets, Dave


DataType String And Values 1.png

Picture 1: Type of property node


DataType String And Values 2.png

Picture 2: Type of created control



DataType String And Values 3.png

Picture 3: Error message

Greets, Dave
Message 1 of 8

This is a BUG,


where can I anounce this?


greets, Dave

Greets, Dave
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8



This is a good place to report a bug.  One of our applications engineers will investigate and file the appropriate request with R&D to get it fixed.





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Hello Simon,

thank you.

greets, Dave

Greets, Dave
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

This was reported to R&D (CAR # 252799) for further investigation.

Message 5 of 8

Hi All,

I am also facing the same bug from the long time which causes loss of data unexpected.Please solve this bug and tell me any way to solve this.I am using Control Type Def in my project.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Just to give you folks an update, CAR # 252799 turned out not to be the same issue you are experiencing here. This bug has been reported as CAR # 275825 instead.

Ramsey Nasir
Senior Software Engineer, InsightCM R&D
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Was this issue ever resolved...?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8