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LabVIEW DAQ/Simulated Signal for ECG

 I am connecting ECG pads to my heart and sending the pulse to LabVIEW with my DAQ. I am then acquiring the best waveform from the DAQ into a excel file, where I will use the same parameters to repeat my signal so I get two pulses. I then have to input these numbers into a "simulate signal". Now, I need to determine the time duration of each segment (i.e., the time in seconds of the P wave, the ST segment, etc) as well as amplitudes of each wave (i.e. the height in volts of the P wave, QRS Complex, T wave, etc). However, I do not know how to create this VI without a LabVIEW biomedical toolkit or any advanced signal processing toolkit (as I do not have access to these). Is there anyone who knows how I would make this VI? Attached are some ideas I have, however, I keep getting errors. Thanks 

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Well, a glance at your code shows you don't understand LabVIEWm b and how it works.  I'm guessing you've had no formal instruction in LabVIEW, and have spent insufficient time with the LabVIEW Tutorials and working simple programs to teach yourself about loops, Data Flow, when/how to use Timing functions, when to use Express VIs (and how to wean yourself off them, as they quickly get in the way of doing anything "reasonable" like analyzing an EKG).  Are you, by any chance, in a Biomedical Engineering (BME) Program?  An exercise such as this, especially one without "crutches" such as the Biomedical Toolkit, is also designed to teach you about Signals, waveform analysis, etc.


My advice would be to "take it slow".  Start by doing as many of the "Getting Started with LabVIEW" (or whatever the name is) Tutorials listed on the first page of this Forum as you can, doing all of the examples (I sure hope they include examples).  This should take a day or two.  Then write a program to take 10 seconds of EKG and save it to a file.  Don't try to do any fancy processing, just get the data saved.   If you need help at this first step, attach your code and also attach the output file it produced.


You don't really want to do everything in one loop, for reasons that you will understand after an hour or two of LabVIEW Tutorials (maybe sooner -- it's been a long time since I looked at them ...).  So breaking your task up into a series of sequential steps isn't such a bad idea ...


Bob Schor

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