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LabVIEW FPGA Compiler Error: -64997

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Note:  This was a first compile on a customer project AFTER I had already updated my machine to LabVIEW 2020 SP1 with RT, FPGA, and a few other key toolkits.


Related thread here:


Same error code, but slightly different tag source


First tried to repair Vivado and Compile Farm = still error

Next tried just FPGA repair - still error

Waiting on RT repair now


Why doesn't NI keep track of modules that have been previously repaired on your system already?  Each repair selected should not try and repair dependency modules that were already repaired before.


Error -64997 occurred at

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW Elemental IO: An internal software error in LabVIEW Elemental I/O component has occurred. Please contact National Instruments technical support at with following information:

Required tag was not found in the resource file.

Provider name: {F1B2FBB4-18BD-4496-8387-994D4E728C6E}

Tag: CommunicationInterface/Dma Port/MGNPath
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Message 1 of 6

So far this issue is with NI Technical Support and under review


Repaired LabVIEW Compile Farm and Vivado toolkits, LabVIEW FPGA, LabVIEW RT, and NI SoftMotion (in that order and reboot each time) and has not fixed it.


Tried an NI cRIO example to compile - same issue so it's nothing about my project or code.  It's an internal error.  Next I am connecting to NI Cloud Compile Service and try to run my build there as a temporary workaround.

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Message 2 of 6

No dice.  NI Cloud Compile Server didn't work either - same exact error.  😞


Error -64997 occurred at

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW Elemental IO: An internal software error in LabVIEW Elemental I/O component has occurred. Please contact National Instruments technical support at with following information:

Required tag was not found in the resource file.

Provider name: {F1B2FBB4-18BD-4496-8387-994D4E728C6E}

Tag: CommunicationInterface/DmaPort/MGNPath

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Message 3 of 6

No number of repair runs fixes this.  Tried removing Compile Farm Worker and Vivado 19.1 (LV 2020 version) and reinstalling.  Nothing worked.


Now I am forced to do a COMPLETE wipe of EVERYTHING NI installed on my machine to try and get to a fresh and CLEAN install for my needs.


Very frustrating WASTING an entire day (maybe 2 by the time I am done with re-installing everything) due to one of the biggest gripes with NI users in the community to date (and still hasn't been fixed well).  INSTALLING


Package Manager is not that smart.  Has no knowledge of installer order of operations that everyone in the community knows already (or should or will learn soon enough by these same issues).


NI support has not been able to help much thus far.  I am hoping a CLEAN re-install fixes this or I am going to be stuck as I am required to use this version of LabVIEW for customer needs.

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Message 4 of 6

Just an update....


Started REPAIR processes around 6:30AM this morning.  None of that worked.  It was 6:30PM before completely removed ALL National Instruments Software, Toolkits, and Drivers from my system for a CLEAN install.  Yes that is roughly 12 hours to START the reinstall process to resolve this issue.


It is now 12AM the same evening and still on the last bit of cRIO Driver installers to have something where I can compile an NI Example FPGA project to test it works or not.


I expect another 1-2hrs of this tonight.  BEYOND RIDICULOUS.  What customer would want to deal with that?  As an integrator we run into this TIME AND TIME AGAIN.  Usually it's just in the form of dealing with migrating/upgrading LabVIEW versions.  So you know you are spending roughly a day or two with installing new software packages.  But in the case of some kind of installer corruption or nightmare like this, the pain level is x10 at least.


NI is now saying LV 2024 is going to have a lot of backwards compatibility with older versions?  They had better fix NIPM and the interdependencies issues FIRST.


Will post results when I am finally done dealing with this bizarre issue (still no further update from NI Technical Support since this morning).

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Message 5 of 6
Accepted by topic author Rick_CythSystems

Completely wiping out NI Software and NIPM (I recommend running Uninstall from Windows Add/Remove Programs window vs just NIPM) and then CLEAN installing in the following order:


LabVIEW (reboot)

LabVIEW Real Time (reboot)


LabVIEW Compile Farm

LabVIEW Vivado Toolkit (reboot)

cRIO Drivers for FPGA and Real Time Targets (reboot)



I will now be installing the toolkits I require for my specific project needs, but the root cause issue has now been fixed this way.  VERY PAINFULLY and TIME CONSUMING.


As a side gripe, MacOS would have uninstalled/re-installed using packages in a matter of minutes (or a few hours at most if configuration and restarts were needed).  Gotta love how no Windows Hive/Registry or unpacking files into specific directories is needed.  And I was a Windows PC user for decades before I made the switch to see for myself.  I wish NI would bring back LabVIEW for MacOS and that whole ecosystem had been evolved better (HW support) simply for that one main reason (plus performance and VMs work better).

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Message 6 of 6