06-09-2014 03:29 PM
Hello everyone,
I am using a crio NI9024, with the module NI9239 to acquire 16 signals at 50 kS/s.
When I tried to compile the FPGA VI, I got this error:
LabVIEW FPGA: The compilation failed due to a xilinx error.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:410 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\msNAQ3A_zTl8o3q\NiFpgaAG_00000005_ForLoop.vhd" Line 66: Expression has 48 elements ; expected 66
Netlist NiFpgaAG_00000005_ForLoop(vhdl_labview) remains a blackbox, due to errors in its contents
Can someone help me with this issue? I searched on internet but nothing about this type of error...
Thank you!
06-10-2014 01:05 PM
It would be extremely helpful if you could tell using what version of LabVIEW FPGA you are using.
Thus far, I can only speculate that this issue has to with the N value being used for one or more for loops in your code. It also may be a matter a specific For Loop object being corrupt, which means it needs to be deleted and then recreated in the code.
How many for loops are you using in your code? You can control-F the code to locate objects to quickly find out the total number of those objects within your code, in this case For Loops. Depending on how many you have, you may have to go through your code and disable one For loop at a time, and then recompile. When it is able to compile without a certain for loop, you can then go back and recreate that For loop, and that should clear up the error.
Also, if you can run the compilation again, when it completes errors-out, select the “Xilinx Log “option in the Reports drop down within the complier window, there should be a save button to the right. This will allow you to save the “Xilinx Log” report as a .txt file. If you can post this text file, there may be more information which we may be able to narrow down where in the code the compilation is getting stuck.
06-10-2014 02:23 PM
I am using Labview 13.0.1
I finally solved the problem by copying the VI under another name and then re-compiling it.