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LabVIEW FPGA logic to read motor position from Three phase PWM Signals (Hall A, Hall B, Hall C)

I am working on LabVIEW FPGA Project where i need to simulate BLDC Motor. There are three hall signals which comes from controller to BLDC motor and there are three feedback signals goes from BLDC motor to the controller. 

I need to develop a labview fpga project to read three hall signals which comes from controller and decode the motor position (i am thinking the relative phase shift between three pwm signals should give me the direction and position of the motor) and from that i need to simulate three phase pwm signals which goes back to the controller. Three hall signals which are read from controller is coming from one fpga card and three pwm signals which goes to the controller as feedback needs to be written on different fpga card. 

I am thinking of developing a veristand custom device (Inline Hardware Interface Architecture) to read motor position from one fpga card and write to another fpga card. what i am not quite sure is timing and synchronization between two fpga cards. i am using 7862 and 7822 fpga cards for this. Can someone please guide me. 

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