04-15-2013 08:00 PM
Hi all, I have a project I am working on that will require maybe a total of 100 inputs/outputs. Some inputs some outputs. Most digital, some analog. Anyway, the way we are currently brainstorming it, we'll need 4 USB-6501s and one USB-6008 to be controlled by LabVIEW simultaneously. We're also thinking of using something like a Surface tablet just to make it easier on the user at the end.
So my questions are:
Can LabVIEW run reasonably well on a tablet? I know computers have really skyrocketed and I'd be willing to bet some newer smartphones could do the job just fine, but I want to double check with people more experienced than myself.
Will having so much stuff going on be a hinderance? 5 of these USB-XXXXs doesn't seem like a lot since USB specification says 127 can go into the same computer port and work fine, but again, I just want to make sure. I'm not sure what's happening in the guts of those things.
Some of my operations include checking whether or not valves are open. This is something I'd like to do several times a second, in case someone opens a valve by accident or a leak forms, I'll be able to instantly read that out and shut down my pumps or whatever I want to do. Other things are data logging or using a PID controller. Just a lot of stuff.
Oh, we're planning on using something like this:
As a USB hub to plug all those parts into it. Would there be any problems with that?
Any input would be appreciated.
04-16-2013 12:34 PM
I don't think LabVIEW would work well on a tablet, but you may consider Data Dashboard: http://www.ni.com/white-paper/14033/en
04-16-2013 03:12 PM
So if I understand correctly, the LabVIEW vi would be running on some machine, but the Data Dashboard would basically be able to view variables/indicators and have control over the actual running program? You're basically outsourcing the actual number crunching to some secondary machine, right?
That's interesting. Unfortunately it won't work well for our purposes. One of the reasons we'd like a tablet is because they are small. I guess we'll have to go with a laptop instead. Unless those aren't powerful enough either?
04-17-2013 02:09 PM
Most laptops should be fine. If you're going to try the tablet route I would recommend a windows 7 based system (with a mouse) rather than 8. If you can use an executable with the Run-Time engine as opposed to full blown development, this would work much better as well. It would be nice to see comments from other users who have tried this first hand.
Have you seen this group?
04-17-2013 02:23 PM
Thanks for your help Eric. My idea was to develop an executable on my main PC and then just load it onto the tablet, so I wouldn't be doing any development on it.
I'll take a look at your links. Thanks again.
04-17-2013 02:28 PM
Is there a reason for you not to use a CompactDAQ and some c-modules ? Then you "only" have one USB device.
04-17-2013 03:18 PM
Form factor I think is the biggest issue. And modularity. The CompactDAQ looks like of massive, whereas we can mount multiple USB-XXXX's on a sheet of metal and even though it will take up some area, it won't stick out far. That's pretty important for us. They are lightweight too. And if we ever need to connect more junk to it, we can just add another one and not have to worry about anything else.
The other thing is we've already designed a few boards that will interface with these USB-XXXX's and amplify their voltage/current and the like. It's easier to have several of these interface boards that to design one big one I think.
04-19-2013 07:40 AM
In regards to the cDAQ, it is less than 3.5 inches tall if you put it on its side. It also has an imbedded controller option so you wouldn't need a computer at all, just a monitor (which could be very flat). The monitor could be on a slant leading up to the chassis if you plan on having this on a surface of some kind. Just a thought.
04-19-2013 01:19 PM
I think we're too deep into the planning of the whole thing to back out now. Like I said, we had to make our own boards to interface the USB-XXXX and control various relays and valves. We'd have to redesign our board to fit with the cDaq. I think our solution is also much cheaper. I see the cDaq costs ~$1000.