02-15-2005 01:30 PM
LabVIEW, C'est LabVIEW
02-15-2005 01:46 PM
@Spaceman spif wrote:
Besides, my program has a ton of LOCAL VARIABLES and they rock! 🙂
I think locals make the code look easier to read, easier to write, and are lower in carbohydrates. Just my opinion though. And I'm just a self-taught newbie, so take it for what it's worth!
02-15-2005 01:48 PM
02-15-2005 02:17 PM
02-15-2005 10:09 PM
02-16-2005 02:32 AM
02-16-2005 06:58 AM
02-16-2005 07:02 AM
02-16-2005 07:27 AM
02-16-2005 07:28 AM
JoeLabView a écrit:
Now this one is dedicated to JP:
Confuscious say: "He who hides true identity...
... will be on journey for self discovery"
LabVIEW, C'est LabVIEW