07-03-2024 06:08 AM
Hi, some time ago I tried using a raspberry pi as a remote device for LabVIEW (installing the custom os provided by LabVIEW itself). I had some weird results: using the pi 4 everything was fine, while trying on a pi 3b, the installation of the custom os failed.
Soon I'll be able to put my hands on a pi 5, anybody knows if the installation of the os and the connection as a remote device works correctly?
10-03-2024 04:13 PM
I found a very interesting article from Kreiseder IT service under
The author explains in detail how to connect and deploy to RPI 5. A workaround is necessary to support deployment tool chain, but the screenshots give evidence how it works. I do not have the hardware at hand, but plan to go for some projects on RPI 5. Can you give it a try and let me know? If it works ... would be a great step to the next success story.
BR Charly