05-19-2017 08:52 AM
I am using LabView to run an E2 environmental chamber. I was wondering if anyone had an idea of how to set up the block diagram in a way that would increase pressure to a certain target, hold at the target pressure for a duration, and then release the pressure.
05-19-2017 10:55 AM
The easy answer is yes. I know several ways to get LabVIEW to count up, pause, then count down. If you need a more detailed answer than that, you need to provide more information. What are your requirements? What kind of hardware are you using? What have you tried already?
05-19-2017 12:32 PM
It seems like it is the answer for many questions, but look at state machine architecture.
05-19-2017 01:06 PM
I do not see anything on an E2 chamber, do you have the model number and manufacturer? We use Thermotron chambers and can remotely access them over TCP communications. You would just need to know the command set used by the chamber and as long as there is some remote control connection (GPIB, LXI, USB, RS-232,...), it should be fairly straight forward from there.