03-09-2021 06:03 AM
Hi everyone,
i would like to measure a distance with the Arduino UNO R3 and LabVIEW 2020. For this i use the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor.
The problem now is, that my VI only shows a distance of 0m.
It is not the problem of the sensor because it works.
I read that there is a problem with the LINX Ultrasonic Read VI, but no solution to it.
Hopefully someone can help me here.
Thanks a lot!
04-05-2021 06:25 AM
Hello Vanessa,
Thanks for providing code. May I ask what LINX toolkit are you using?
Can you confirm that all pins are connected well and all channels are set properly?
Did you use probs in this code to see if you acquire any data (I mean, is there any data that gets into the loop? )
Please answer to these questions, so we could go ahead and see what's the problem.
Have a nice day!
06-05-2021 09:04 PM
Hello, i recently provided an answer on this topic:
see if that can help you